
Veritaserum and Felix Felicis

Why is the handy truth potion Veritaserum not used more often? Especially in the Ministry of Magic! It seems like it would really come in handy to get people to tell the truth. I would think it was an important potion whose abilities would become very necessare when dealing with magical matters, wouldn't you? Why do you think Veritaserum isn't used very often?
Another handy potion mentioned in Harry Potter is Felix Felicis, also known as liquid luck. The potion makes the user extreamly lucky and makes it so that all their endeavors succeed. I don't understand why this potion is not used more often. If Harry had a drop of this every time he set out to destroy Voldemort, no one would've gotten hurt and he would've succeeded right away. I wonder why people don't try to use this potion more. Why do you think Felix Felicis isn't used very often?


  1. This is true, but also why don't they use the death spell as often as they could? To make it more interesting!

  2. i think people only use the death spell when they are sure they want to kill their opponent.

  3. iojhsejtjhghe[ajhe
